Friday, December 28, 2007

Planning a World Trip

The sheer amount of considerations for a trip around the world are overwhelming. There is the route to plan, sites to see and also guessing the amount of time spent in each place. We have language barriers and no money. Not to mention the preparation of selling a home and all of our possessions. Of course selling our home has become a real challenge in this market. The day after we put it on the market Jumbo rates went up. Then the market took an unprecidented plunge like no other in our lifetime. Values are dropping faster than the dollar against the Euro. The economy is in the very unique and interesting position of being in a recession at the same time as inflation. I can tell you our house value is in recession.... however all of our other costs are in the inflation category. Every buyer has become an expert on homes. Our realtor never calls anymore. I suspect she may have gotten a second job!!
Jill my sister in law sent us a St Joseph statue that we can bury in the yard and then pray for a home sale. She wrote "if you believe it will happen". OOOKAYY. What the hell, why not. We look outside and have more snow now than in the last 7 years combined. Can we just toss him into a snow drift? Does it matter that he seems to be sinking and looking at us? What do we pray for? Do we pray he stops staring at us? That we can someday bury him? That a buyer will see him and feel sorry for us because we are good and faithful people? Hopefully a squirrel won't chew his head off.

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