Sunday, January 27, 2008

The waiting game

Well, here it is, almost February. Our house is still on the market. When we made our master plan were were going to leave in January. This is very confusing. Were we meant to stay longer for something? Maybe taxes. If the house sale is much later the whole complexion of our trip changes. We had originally planned our route according to weather in each location. Now I guess we can plan on going with the worst weather in each location, and falling dollar values. We can sit in the rain and eat expensive sour/ salty yak tea with curd. This is going to be awesome.

I don't really care where or when we go. We may end up being free from our erroneous plans. We may have been over planning our trip. Each day at home seems a gift now. We have grown to appreciate each day and every task. It's really interesting how knowing we are leaving helps us to enjoy what we do day to day.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you.
Fate is at your elbow;
Make yourself good
while life and power are still yours.

Book four, Meditations

Marcus Aurelius